Williamson County, Tennessee is home to 169,365 adults, 30,577 of whom are seniors. The population density and demographic trends of the county can be further understood through graphs that show decades of population data. The table below displays the percentage of residents born abroad in Williamson County, Tennessee, compared to their neighboring and parent geographies. This chart illustrates the breakdown of major industries for residents of Williamson County, Tennessee.
It is important to note that some of these individuals may live in Williamson County, Tennessee but work elsewhere. This graphic shows the breakdown of the main jobs held by residents of Williamson County, Tennessee. The largest universities in Williamson County, Tennessee, based on the number of degrees awarded are Empire Beauty School-Nashville (57 and 67.9%), the Franklin Hair Academy School of Cosmetology (14 and 16.7%) and Williamson Christian College (13 and 15.5%).The race least likely to be living in poverty in Williamson County (Tennessee) is white, with 4.2% below the poverty level. The median age of residents in Williamson County, Tennessee is 38.3 years old. This figure is slightly higher than the median age for all of Tennessee which is 37.7 years old.
The median age for males in Williamson County is 37.4 years old while the median age for females is 39.2 years old. The population density and demographic trends of Williamson County tell a story that can be further understood through graphs that show decades of population data. The median age of residents in this county provides insight into the population's overall health and well-being as well as its economic stability.